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Who is at risk of pneumonia?

Pneumonia can affect anyone, at any age. There are, however, two age groups which are at higher risk of developing pneumonia. It means that these two groups are more likely not only to get pneumonia, but also to have more severe outcomes of the disease (1). 

Young children

People aged 65+

  • Lifestyle habitsSmoking cigarettes is the strongest risk factor in young people. Also excessive use of alcohol, or being undernourished also increases your risk for pneumonia.

  • Environment - our environment has an immense impact on our lives. Being exposed to certain chemicals, pollutants, or toxic fumes significantly increases likelihood of developing pneumonia. In many low income countries, where domestic fuels are burnt for cooking and lighting, indoor air pollution is an important risk factor for pneumonia

  • Other medical conditions - Other medical conditions may also increase your risk of getting a pneumonia:

Children who are two years old or younger - their immune system is still developing.

People who are 65 years old or older - their immune system begins to weaken as they age which is part of a normal process.

(1) (2016). Risk Factors - NHLBI, NIH. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Mar. 2017].
(2) Cold, F., Health, E., Disease, H., Management, P., Conditions, S., Problems, S., Disorders, S., Checker, S., Interviews, E., Boards, M., Guide, I., Doctor, F., Medications, M., Identifier, P., Interactions, C., Drugs, C., Pregnant, T., Management, D., Obesity, W., Recipes, F., Exercise, F., Beauty, H., Balance, H., Relationships, S., Care, O., Health, W., Health, M., Well, A., Teens, H., Kids, F., Pregnant, G., Trimester, F., Trimester, S., Trimester, T., Baby, N., Health, C., Vaccines, C., Kids, R., Cats, H., Dogs, H., Women, B., Youth', E., MS, F., U.S., H., Attack, V., Boards, M., Blogs, E., Center, N. and Health, L. (2015). Pneumonia-What Increases Your Risk. [online] WebMD. Available at: [Accessed 30 Mar. 2017].


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